Episode 59: 5 Clarifying Questions to Recharge after 2020 with Seth Buechley
Jan 26, 2021
2020 will be for years to come a year that was not ordinary. For many, this last year has been extremely difficult, soul-rending and earth-shattering. Going into 2021 we need to reset and reorder our mindset so that we can excel in the coming year. In today’s episode we look back at the last year and ask ourselves five questions that will help us dive deeper into how we go forward and how to make the most of the difficult situations life throws at us.
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3 Key Takeaways
- Life is short. Make an impact while you’re here.
- Uncover the essential functions your business must play.
- Maximize efficiency by fully utilizing working remotely.
5 Clarifying Questions to Recharge After 2020 with Seth Buechley
Personal lessons gleaned from 2020
- Live for what matters most; live like today is your last
- Be careful of where you draw the line in stamping Christ on your political stance
- Be wary of your way of life becoming idolatry so that you live in fear of things that disrupt your comfort zone.
What things do we want to walk away from in 2020?
- Don’t hold meetings for the sake of meetings; specifically, meetings that involve travel for the sake of demonstrating value
- Strategically calculate ROI of trade shows to make a decision on which will benefit your company most by attending and then cut the others
- Consider carefully the people you surround yourself with and don’t be afraid to cut out those negative relationships
There’s no more flying around the country for things that could be done just effectively over Zoom as face to face. - Seth Buechley
What things do you need to double down in 2021?
- Examine where your company/brand is excelling and thriving and focus more time and resources in those areas
- Invest in your communities that spur you on for better accountability towards personal and professional growth.
- Invest more resources into quality content creation that will help build awareness for your brand.
- Seek out more subject matter experts that you can bring it to work towards strengthening those areas where you are weak.
Where can you take new ground?
- Identify those key areas where your passions meet a strategic opportunity.
- Pull together several subject matter experts from that particular field, provide value and monetize.
- Always be on the lookout for smart acquisitions or ways to expand your current ventures further into other arenas.
We’ve been able to gather five subject matter experts from a very specific vertical. They come together and we are getting cross-referral. - Seth Buechley
What is essential for your business right now?
- Uncover what is the most key ingredient in your business that everyone can rally around.
- Prioritize your clients at the top of the most essential minimum your business should be excelling at.
- Be ready at all times to potential pivot opportunities as the business climate is constantly changing and you must adapt.
What opportunities do negative circumstances open up?
- Open up your mind to what certain negative situations (COVID) make possible for your business that wouldn’t have been possible before.
- Take full advantage of working remotely as people are more likely than ever to purchase services offered remotely.
- Maximize efficiency both time-wise and financially.
More than ever because of COVID people are more accustomed to buying services offered remotely, they don’t need to see you as often. We have seen the last resistance to remote work die. - Seth Buechley
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