Episode 45: Non-Profits: Expert Advice on How To Run A Healthy, Sustainable, and Impactful Organization

Uncategorized Sep 13, 2019


If you’re leading or working with non-profits, you’re going to get a ton of value out of this episode. Our guest is Anthony Baugher. Anthony has over 20 years’ experience as an administrator, consultant, fundraiser and educator, and is currently the Director of Ministries and Non-Profits for Cathedral Consulting. He’s here to share with you some of his best advice and strategies for running a healthy non-profit, one that is enjoyable, sustainable, and most importantly - makes an impact. Listen in!

The Conversation:

02:05 - Today’s Moment of Truth: How to find and maintain true motivation

06:03 - Meet Anthony Baugher, Director of Ministries and Non-Profits for Cathedral Consulting

12:52 - Tying business to purpose - how non-profits are started and how they can get back on track

15:36 - “Getting out and telling the stories of non-profits has become more crucial than we've ever seen.”

17:36 - Why non-profits can't afford to wait until there's a crisis to join a development program.

22:13 - The most important key concept non-profits need to understand: The Gratitude Cycle

26:18 - The transformation of heart and mind that takes place in donors

29:13 - Hear the story of Camp Attitude - the massive impact Anthony's non-profit is making on kids with special needs

35:35 - Always being asked to join boards? Here’s how to be on a board the right way, how to structure a board properly, and most importantly - how not to make it a waste of your time.

41:57 - Finally, Why Anthony chooses to invest his time in the world of non-profits


Watch this video to learn more about Camp Attitude: 

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